One of the many wonderful things about being off work this summer is the opportunity to travel -- my favorite pasttime! Now, I love being at home, too, and love the feel of creating a comfortable and cozy nest, walking in my neighborhood, and watching the bees flitting around the flowers in my teensy back yard. But when it's family reunion time 700+ miles away -- I'm there!
I am feeling so blessed and enriched by having spent the past weekend in Kentucky with aunts, uncles, and cousins that I so rarely see. My wonderful aunts arranged the Tevault family reunion at a lakeside resort in Kentucky, with activities for adults and children and with LOTS of time to get reacquainted with family from Michigan, California, Illinois and Indiana. I am so fortunate that I still have six living siblings of my father -- 2 brothers and 4 sisters-- who are the most loving, energetic, and fun-loving people I've ever seen. Who leads the charge up and down the hill from the houses to the pavilion -- my 91-year old uncle! Who is the last one up at night, sharing jokes and laughes, and drink for drink with much younger nieces and nephews -- my 68-year old aunt! Who is the ringleader of the scavenger hunt insuring we have a photo of each of the required items in 90+degree heat -- my 67-year old cousin!
And cousins galore (along with their children...from babies to adults). And I didn't even have time to have a chat with each cousin -- too many of them! But those I did catch up with are filled with love...for family, for where we came from, and for our times together. Remembering our grandparents' house in the country, eating in shifts to accommodate the large number of people, Easter egg hunts on the lawn, our meticulous grandfather, and our loving grandmother (who always baked more pies and cookies than anyone I know).
It was a chance for Kate to connect with family members she barely knows but who are such an important part of who I am and what is important to me in life.
The freedom from work to enjoy each moment without feeling torn that I was neglecting work, projects, deadlines, budgets, or business associates was huge. I was able to spend time before and after the reunion with my mother and truly feel a sense of peace...that this was the best summer gift being a person "in transition" could enjoy.
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