Today is officially one year since I was laid off from the job I loved at a company I much admired. But management changes, a new mission is implemented, and the old guard is ushered out to make way for new sycophants. That's the way of the world and I understand that.
At the time I was laid off, 4 of my closest colleagues and department managers were laid off as well. We were (despite disagreements, occasional turf wars, and department managerial changes) and have continued to be, a tight team. We had each other and could commiserate and boost each other's spirits, whine (and wine), and miss those we left behind.
However, in many ways, I also look at February 6 as the beginning of a new life.
It's been the opportunity to re-evaluate what I enjoy doing and the type of job I want to throw myself into again. When we're working, it's easy to just keep going down a path and to not take the time to analyze what we would rather be doing.
I have had the time to spend with friends and family. Believe me, when you lose a job and your "work family," being able to have long lunches, visit museums, talk on the phone, or see the occasional movie (during the day) with dear friends reaffirms what is important in life.
I have been able to get outside to walk just about every day. To see the sunshine, feel the fresh air, watch the changing flora and fauna, and relax...this is my idea of heaven.
I have new appreciation for heating healthfully. I spend the time cooking better meals, using fresh, quality ingredients, and knowing what is in the food we're eating. When working and getting home late, it was often easier and more relaxing to go out for dinner.... it’s not my first choice any more and, in fact, prefer to eat at home.
Scratch the travel itch: with a long list of places I want to visit, I have spent this time off to visit new places: Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Russia, Poland, Estonia, and Finland, as well as to visit friends and family in the U.S. and to make local day trips and adventures. Exploration and learning keep the spirit alive!
Polish skills and stay in touch with my profession. I have been exploring the effective uses of social media, launched my blog and Twitter.
And most importantly, I had the time to be with my mother during the last days of her life.
I am blessed.
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