You may not think these two things go together, but check out this article from this morning's Washington Post about the oldest person to retire from the U.S. Postal Service. Is this a great guy and dedicated worker, or what?
I love hearing stories about someone who keeps on living, who doesn't stop with advancing age and think that life is behind him. Instead Mr. Reed is looking forward to traveling with his son and discovering new countries he's never seen.
I'm guessing Mr. Reed has also been one of those people who just performed a job as well as he could for the sake of a job well done. Not for the accolades, recognition, bonuses, or sense of entitlement, but because wanted to work each day. We can all learn something from his work ethic.
If onion sandwiches helped him to hang-glide in Rio de Janeiro at the age of 93, then I think I'd better switch my diet.
11 years ago
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