
Top 10 Things Learned This Week

When one isn't working, one can still learn something new every day. Things may not be as intellectually stimulating, but inspiration is all around us. Here are the Top 10 Things I’ve Learned This Hot Summer Week:
  1. I learned that stores will always post banners boasting their 75% off Clearance Sale, but when one gets inside, most things are only 25% off the regular price. That one thing that’s 75% off must be left from 2 years ago. Don’t fall for something that appears to be too good to believe.
  2. I learned that storm clouds rolling across the sky, with the promise of a huge rainstorm to come, are energizing on hazy, hot summer days. Summer in the mid-Atlantic = wilted me. The clouds in a dark sky help rev me up to actually get work done. 
  3. I’ve learned (actually I already knew this one but it was reinforced this week) that patience is a virtue. When heading home after an art show Tuesday evening, traffic was completely stopped due to a fallen tree across the parkway. My first inclination was to wish I had listened to the traffic reports so I could have chosen an alternate route, but it was too late. However, dear friend, cool car, quiet evening and good conversation meant waiting for the road to be cleared was enjoyable.
  4. Peaches are the best food ever. I always thought I was a strawberry girl, but the beautiful, juicy, perfect peaches from Kingsbury Orchard are pure summer heaven (breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack time). 
  5. I am fortunate to have an abundance of friends – new friends and old (okay not old but long-time friends) – who go out of their way to share ideas and information, provide a sense of humor, plan outings, share meals, recommend books, commiserate, open a bottle of wine, and give welcome advice and encouragement. I learned we must be grateful for these friends in our lives and tell them so. 
  6. I learned that to be a job seeker, one must be a risk-taker, too. It’s no time to be shy, modest, or quiet about looking for a job. 
  7. I learned that if there is someone I really don’t enjoy spending time with, then life is too short to spend more time than is absolutely necessary beyond being cordial. 
  8. I learned that I actually do like tomatoes (those growing in pots on my patio). As a child I loathed tomatoes but somehow I now think they’re pretty swell and a terrific lunch with fresh basil leaves, cottage cheese, and lots of ground pepper. 
  9. I’ve learned that it’s beneficial to print out a cover letter and resume to proof before submitting online for a job application (trust me). Reading these things in print makes it much easier to catch errors than reading on my laptop screen.
  10. I’ve learned that the best time of day is the very early morning, when no one is out and about in the neighborhood, the air conditioner sounds are silent, the sun is up but only just, the birds are not quite stirring, and I can sit outside, read my paper and sip hot, hot coffee while it’s still slightly cool on a July morning. I sense a hint of the light changing, not so bright at 6am, summer ending and Fall on its way.

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