
Recharging the Batteries

Yes, even the unemployed need to take a break to recharge the old batteries, soak up some sunshine, and re-connect with nature. Working is stressful, but not working  -- or at least not having a regular, full time place of employment with responsibilities, benefits, friends, and a paycheck -- can be torturous.

After a winter of snow, ice, snow, and endless cold, cloudy days, a long weekend in Florida seemed just the ticket to easing into Spring.

And can't you just hear a sigh of relaxation...
Madeira Beath, Florida on a cloudy day
Huge jellyfish marooned on the beach
Resident peacock at Wild Cat Rescue
Beautiful tiger, Wild Cat Rescue (a wonderful organization)
Rescued leopard, Wild Cat Rescue
Rescued black leopard (look closely to see his spots)
All scenes below from Ybor City, a historic district of Tampa

Henry B. Plant Museum in the historic, former Tampa Bay Hotel, now a National Historic Landmark.

Pelicans enjoy sunning in Florida, too
Tea time at the DonCeSar Hotel, St. Petersburg
Sandhill cranes (see the baby?)
Sandhill crane family
Sunset over Madeira Beach

1 comment:

Pen and Ink said...

Lovely photos. A relaxing trip!