
A day of numerological significance?

It’s 1/11/11 (okay I removed the 20 in the year, but you know what I mean). I like the symmetry and beauty of seeing all the same number when I write the date. It feels special, equal, a beginning, as though it should have some karmic significance.
If I were a dedicated numerologist, as my friend George is, I would surely know the significance of this date. He may even have discussed this at his seminar last weekend, which I unfortunately was unable to attend. 
According to Numerology News, the number 11 relates to our intuition, instinct and faith in ourselves, and the repeating 1 may signify that we are missing something and need to dig deeper to find the information.  Apparently, we need to tap into our intuition to help us uncover and learn the information we need to make well-informed decisions. In other words, we should heighten our sense of awareness. Easier said than done!

Also, Numerology News advises, “the key to harnessing the power of 1/11/11 is to know that that this is your time; your time to find the missing piece of your puzzle, to interlock it into your life and to start moving forward with the complete puzzle intact.”
Brilliant words of wisdom for a Job Acquisition Specialist. I’m ready, how about you? Time to meditate.

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